Find your Best Antivirus
Anti-virus is a software that scans files or your computer's memory for certain patterns that may indicate an infection. The patterns it looks for are based on the signatures, or fingerprints, of known viruses. Once a virus is detected in the wild, the Anti-Virus companies then release these new patterns for your Anti-virus software to use. These updates come out daily by some vendors. Virus authors are continually releasing new and updated viruses, so it is important that you have the latest definitions installed on your computer.

What is Virus??
Virus: A program or piece of code that is
loaded onto your computer without your
knowledge and runs against your wishes.
Requires a human action to spread infection.
Viruses are executed via executable files.
It can delete files, format hard disk, take up system resources that will cause system crash or shutdown.

What is Worms?
Worms: A program or algorithm that
replicates itself over a computer network
and usually performs malicious actions.
Worms are executed via weaknesses in system.
– Replicates itself automatically.
– Can infect computers by Spyware, Malware, and Email.
• Code Red
• SQL Slammer

What Do Viruses Do?
Some aggressive viruses—such as the Melissa virus—automatically duplicate copies of itself to the first 50 people in your computer email address book. A frightening prospect— opening an email from someone you trust to be greeted by a virus, and that’s exactly what the author is counting on, your trust. The damage caused by these viruses varies from minor delays in computer function to complete destruction of your hard drive. For companies, the price is far higher. A downed website can cost a company millions of dollars a day.

What Should I do if I have a Virus?
Clean your computer with anti-virus software. If your computer is still not functioning and you have data you are concerned about recovering, consider hiring a trusted expert. Often data can be successfully extracted from an injured hard drive, but the process is complex and will involve another computer, special software, and a technician with a lot of experience in data recovery.
Virus Prevention
Virus Software –– If you don’t have it, GET IT !! Like
~Norton AntiVirus
~McAfee Virus Sheild
– Keep your virus software updated!
– Verify that it your virus software is working.

Infection of more than 75,000 vulnerable computers in 10 minutes
Get Anti Virus done for protection of your computer.
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Guard Your Computer
with new technology
Anti-virus applications maintain a database of known viruses and compare scanned files that match the characteristics of known viruses. If a scanned files matches those characteristics of known viruses. If a scanned file matches those characteristics, it is quarantined (which means moved to a new, presumably safe location on disk and renamed, so you can find it should you ever need it) so that it cannot affect other files on your system
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